Rape is never her fault.

Rape is always the choice of the rapist.

The individual making the rape is the only individual responsible for the rape happening.
The victim bares no responsibility on the behavior and choices of the assaulter. Men are not animals that cannot control their instincts, if there is such man they should be immediately locked up in prison for the rest of their life.

What about…

There is no what about. All the talking points of what the victim did or wear are attempts to direct the attention away from the rapist and their actions. This is simple victim blaming and talk that justifies rape and nothing else.

Risk management.

Risk management is unfortunately a real thing that people need to consider when they live in a broken society filled with rape justifying animals. But talking about risk management is something that you do before rape happens. Risk management talk has no place in after rape conversations as it is not the victims fault in anyway that another person decided to rape them.
Risk management like “don’t go drinking with strangers”. Or “don’t go outside of your house alone”, “You never know who those men truly are”, are something that shift the risk of rape happening to you or your friend onto someone else. It will not affect the people who are willing to rape as they will just find another victim or a reason to rape their victim.

Rapist mindset and modesty

A rapist blames the victim and uses them to justify their own actions. In reality if you have an individual who sees people as objects that they can rape, they will find a justification for it.
If you go along with the rapist mindset of blaming victim, there is really no end to modesty requirements that follow.
It starts with “if you show a cleavage you deserved it”. It continues to “if you show an ankle you deserved it”. And it ends in “you left the house without a male escort so you deserved it”.
Modesty is culturally linked concept, as well as situational.
I live in a culture where you can go to sauna completely naked with total strangers and there is nothing sexual or immodest about that. If you think there is then you are the one being a creep about it.

Sexual harasment is completely different thing. If you cannot distinguish it from wearing clothes that suit the cultural occasion and environment then you should seek professional help to learn about that.


If you still belive women are responsible in anyway for being raped and they should be held accountable for their actions and lack of risk management. Then the solution for that problem is to lock every man in prison as you cannot know their true intentions and women should minimize the risk with a solution that affects spesificly the cause of the problem.

If you don’t believe woman are responsible for rape in anyway then you could vouch for a solution where we raise men in such a culture where rape is as despicable to them as cannibalism is. This needs other men and women to stop seeing people as objects and to stop shifting the attention away from the rapist by parroting their talking points.

-A man who believes we are responsible for our own actions, not the actions of others.


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